Not by Sight: a novel of the patriarchs finishes as a Carol Awards Double Finalist

I was so honored and excited to be able to travel to the ACFW conference a week ago. I met so many amazing authors and learned so much while I was there! Not by Sight moved up from semifinalist to finalist in both the Debut and Historical categories. While it did not win, I amContinue reading “Not by Sight: a novel of the patriarchs finishes as a Carol Awards Double Finalist”

Not by Sight: a novel of the patriarchs is a Carol Awards DOUBLE SEMIFINALIST!

I’m so honored to announce that Not by Sight: a novel of the patriarchs is a double semifinalist in the ACFW Carol Awards in the debut novel and historical categories!! I’m over the moon and so thankful! Finalists and winners will be announced at the annual ACFW Conference in August. Soli Deo gloria. I haveContinue reading “Not by Sight: a novel of the patriarchs is a Carol Awards DOUBLE SEMIFINALIST!”

It’s Release Day for Not by Sight: a novel of the patriarchs!

WOOOOOOO!!!! IT’S RELEASE DAY!!!! Can I believe it? Nope. Not one bit. Regardless of my spinning head, I wanted to let everyone know how much your support has meant to me. It’s been a long haul (over TWO YEARS!) since I started my publication journey, but so many of your took the time to seeContinue reading “It’s Release Day for Not by Sight: a novel of the patriarchs!”

Not by Sight: a novel of the patriarchs is available for preorder!

Releasing March 16th! You GUYS! I can’t believe that it’s almost March 16th. I can’t wait to share Not by Sight with everyone! If you’re interested in preordering the book in Kindle or hardcover, you can head here! Paperbacks will be available for preorder soon. Thank you all for taking this journey with me! SoliContinue reading “Not by Sight: a novel of the patriarchs is available for preorder!”

It’s Cover Reveal Day!

Not by Sight: a novel of the patriarchs is coming soon! It’s HERE! I’m SO thrilled to show everyone the cover of Not by Sight: a novel of the patriarchs, coming soon from WordCrafts Press! (Yes, that is a name change. The working title was Not by Sight: The Story of Joseph.) Not by SightContinue reading “It’s Cover Reveal Day!”

I’m Getting Published!

I’m SO thrilled to announce that my novel, Not by Sight: The Story of Joseph, has been picked up by WordCrafts Press for publication! Not by Sight is a retelling of the story of Joseph, his brothers, and his coat, from the Biblical book of Genesis. Focusing on both historical and Biblical accuracy, the novelContinue reading “I’m Getting Published!”

No Matter What, They Will Do as You Do, Not as You Say (Part 2)

The failings of today’s world are the results of generations of behavior Well, when I posted Part 1 of this post, I thought that COVID-19 would still be the big deal here in the United States. However, this is not the case, as protests have begun in the wake of the death of George Floyd,Continue reading “No Matter What, They Will Do as You Do, Not as You Say (Part 2)”

God’s Choices, God’s Mercy

Judah, the (surprisingly) honored one So, after we talked about Joseph last week, we need to connect some dots. I mentioned a few weeks back that Joseph’s father, Jacob, was called Israel by God. You may have heard of the “Twelve Tribes of Israel” – each tribe descended from one of Jacob’s sons. (I’m simplifyingContinue reading “God’s Choices, God’s Mercy”

Why Joseph’s Faith is Unique

Why I wrote my book This is going to be a kind of an odd post, because I have to tell you why I wrote my book about Joseph’s story, and about why his faith journey is unique, without really telling you my plot or spoiling anything. Not that tons of people don’t know howContinue reading “Why Joseph’s Faith is Unique”

She Laughed

Sarah in the Tent There’s an old Yiddish Proverb that says: “Man plans, God laughs.” Meaning, of course, that no matter how carefully thought out any of our plans may be, it is only God who sees all ends and only God who knows what the best course of action is for us. In Genesis,Continue reading “She Laughed”