The Pharaoh Who Went Rogue

A series on Ancient Egyptian Religion (Part 7) So. Everyone, meet Akhenaten. You may remember him mentioned in a previous blog or two. On first glance, you may notice that he looks a little strange. This is possibly on purpose – or possibly not. We don’t quite know (as is, of course, usual regarding AncientContinue reading “The Pharaoh Who Went Rogue”

Appropriately Sphinxlike?

A slight digression from my series on Ancient Egyptian Religion So, before we move onward with my series on Ancient Egyptian Religion, I wanted to talk about the Great Sphinx, since we talked about the pyramids last week. Now, the thing is, that if the exact symbolic and religious meaning of the pyramids is aContinue reading “Appropriately Sphinxlike?”

A Pyramid Scheme

A series on Ancient Egyptian Religion (Part 6) So, I know what you’re asking. Shouldn’t a post on pyramids be in an “architecture of Ancient Egypt” series instead of a religion series? Well, yes and no. I mean, it could be in an architecture series, sure. (In fact, such a series may be coming downContinue reading “A Pyramid Scheme”

The Hidden Meaning of Color

A series on Ancient Egyptian Religion (Part 5) So – after a few weeks away from Ancient Egyptian religion and beliefs, we’re back! To set this up, I want you to imagine you’re writing a story, and right now, you want to describe a scene. Maybe you mention the weather, or the sunlight. The peopleContinue reading “The Hidden Meaning of Color”

The Hair Episode

Or lack thereof There’s a worrying lack of clarity when it comes to Ancient Egyptian hairstyles, given that there has been a strong stereotype perpetuated that Ancient Egyptians, both male and female, shaved themselves bald. To be frank, it’s even hard to research this topic and find reliable sources. Hearsay, it seems, is king. Which,Continue reading “The Hair Episode”

The Makeup Episode

The cat eye look is old as dirt Woohoo! Time for another episode focused around style and fashion. This time, I thought we’d focus on a very famous aspect of Ancient Egypt – makeup. Frankly, their famous cat-eye look probably the oldest style in existence which has a close variant that is still stylish today.Continue reading “The Makeup Episode”

The Bling Episode

Ancient Egyptian jewelry – pictures galore! Okay, so for today I thought we’d take a hard left turn and talk a bit about Ancient Egyptian jewelry. Yah! Of course I’ll be focusing on Middle Kingdom styles, since this is the setting for my story, but I have some interesting examples from the New Kingdom thatContinue reading “The Bling Episode”

All Hail the Pharaoh

A series on Ancient Egyptian Religion (Part 4) The name “pharaoh” sits with “caesar” and its variations (tsar, kaiser) as the only non-English titles that the general U.S.-populace recognizes as words for “king”. Fun fact, though – the word pharaoh doesn’t mean king, it means “great house.” Yes, you heard that right. Loosely translated, IContinue reading “All Hail the Pharaoh”

Truth, Justice, and the Ancient Egyptian Way

A series on Ancient Egyptian Religion (Part 3) So! After the last two fairly involved posts, I wanted to leave you with one more important factor in the Egyptian religious landscape, but I wanted to keep it short and sweet. So, let’s have a brief overview on what is probably the most important ideal inContinue reading “Truth, Justice, and the Ancient Egyptian Way”

The Great Ennead, the Memphis Triad, and That One Guy (Episode 2)

A series on Ancient Egyptian Religion (Part 3) So – we’re back! Let’s continue with our exploration of some key points of Egyptian Mythology that are important to my book. Memphis: The Triad of Memphis Okay, so rule one. Forget everything you read last week about the Great Ennead in Heliopolis. You’re in Memphis now,Continue reading “The Great Ennead, the Memphis Triad, and That One Guy (Episode 2)”